Friday, March 13, 2015

Post 5 (another painting master post)


this portrait was done between two of my major paintings from last post. This was sort of a "chill' painting you could say because I was painted out at this point. Anyway this was done in India ink and water and it took about 10 minutes tops.

This drawing was done during a block day about a week ago. Everyone kept TALKING OVER ME and no one would listen to me so hence the scribbled out mouth. I used colored pencils and spent about 30-40 minutes on it. I was pretty upset this day I think.

I was SUPER frustrated this day, therefore I splashed the ink over the whole thing because I didn't have the patience to deal with detail. I realize now that I no longer have the patience  for realistic portraits and that could be due to the fact that track started??? IDK just a thought.

Anyway that's all for today. I have another week's worth of portraits to post but as of right now I have to budget time better. ALSO!! This weekend I'l be doing about 5 instagram portraits so possibly I will have a realistic SELF portriat coming up


  1. What an amazing talent! It's been a pleasure to follow your blog.

  2. What an amazing talent! It's been a pleasure to follow your blog.

  3. Matt, I have seen your artwork so it is no surprise that you were passionate enough about it to choose it for your genius project. I like how you include details symbolic of events that were close to the time and place you were painting. The scribbled out mouth would be an example of this. One question I have is if you are planning on perfecting one specific type of portrait. Do you plan on making more "chill" pictures?

  4. Hi Matt. Your artwork is amazing and I cannot wait to see your presentation maybe showcasing some of these self-portraits. Your portraits really tie in with your emotions and that is a much-needed aspect for any artist. Good luck with your TED talk!
